Monroe County Y Re-Opening Plans
Welcome back to the Y!
Like many organizations, the outbreak of COVID-19 has placed Monroe County Y in financial strain. We realize we are not in a unique situation, and it’s been humbling to have so many members continue to pay their membership fees to support our services while our Ys remained closed in 2020. We sincerely appreciate your support as we all navigate and recover from this pandemic.
Not ready to return to the Y in person? Join us virtually!
Select Group Ex classes are being held in-person and online. You can register for these select live virtual classes on our website and app by looking "Virtual Only" listed next to the class name, which designates our virtual class options. Or, find several on-demand classes here.
Thank you for your support as we navigate through this together!
We are continuing to work with our Board, Y-USA, local health departments, and other stakeholders in order to develop the best strategies for addressing these challenges. Please visit our website, Facebook, and Instagram, or download our app for the most up-to-date information.
We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Y!